The Book of Common Prayer
Our Heritage, our treasure
While having a prayer book is not unique to the Anglican tradition, the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) remains unparalleled in Christendom with respect to its formation of the prayer lives of clergy and laity. A biblical-theological richness flows off the pages of the BCP in ways that other traditions cannot claim. In it holds our guide to worship, prayer, and Scriptural readings throughout the year. And even though the BCP contains liturgies and occasions where a clergyman is required, it was not intended to be used only by the clergy, but rather to be shared between all members of the church. Integrating the Morning & Evening Prayers into your daily life will not only enrich your relationship with God, but also will result in praising God in a unified voice with Christians throughout the world and centuries. It is our way of common life together.
prayerful rhythm of life
The BCP provides us with liturgies and rites, yet it also serves as a means to approach the Lord in a prayerful rhythm of life. This rhythm has been expressed in the Psalter, lectionaries, and seasons. It provides a spiritual and Scriptural reading routine that is both contemplative and deeply theological.
1662 AD & Today
The 1662 BCP still stands as the foundational BCP for orthodox Anglicanism. While the ACNA BCP is not identical in language to the 1662 BCP, it is certainly identical in spirit. The 1662 BCP provides the organized standard for our unified prayer life, even in our modern context.
“O Lord, open our lips; and our mouth shall proclaim your praise.”