Confirmation Course # 4
This spring, Covenant is offering Digesting the Faith, a series of interactive workshops led by different members of the congregation on applying Christian doctrine to shape our attitudes and actions. This class will serve as preparation for those wishing to be confirmed as Anglicans on April 14th. We encourage those who have already been confirmed (and those not seeking confirmation) to participate as well, because digesting and applying doctrine is an ongoing process for all Christians. Youth of middle-school age and higher are encouraged to participate. Classes will meet Sundays, February 18th to March 17th, 9:30-10:10am.
The class will be based on To Be A Christian, the official ACNA catechism. Participants are encouraged to read it during the course of the class. It is available for free download or hard-copy purchase at
Feb 18th | What is Confirmation Anyway?
Feb 25th | Because of the Father, We...
Mar 3rd | Because of the Son, We...
Mar 10th | Because of the Spirit, We...
Mar 17th | Reflection on class, Q&A w/ fr. luke