**Covenant Anglican is currently constructing a full website. Please check back soon for a more detailed and informative online experience as it relates to our church.**
We are a fellowship of believers committed to glorifying God in all things, and sharing the transforming grace and truth of Jesus Christ in the city of San Marcos. Our mission is to bring forth the light of the Gospel to San Marcos, Central Texas, and the world by church planting, raising up godly leaders, and supporting kingdom work that embodies, expresses, and extends the love of God to our neighbors.
We have been meeting as a community since June, but on August 21, 2016 we began meeting at 107 Center Point Rd., San Marcos, TX 78666 from 1:30 pm - 3:45 pm. Come join us for an afternoon of rich, historical, and scriptural worship. As is true in all Anglican Eucharistic liturgies, a clergyman will exposit the Word, and the Lord's Supper will be administered to all baptized believers. We'd love to welcome you to our church as we dig deep into the truths of God as they relate to the liturgical season of Lent.
Whether you're new to liturgical worship or are completely new to the Christian faith, we welcome you to come be a part of a transforming worship experience. In the mean time, please contact us at the bottom of this page to stay up to date about church events and meetings.
Covenant Anglican Church is...
Scriptural - We hold to the ultimate authority of the Bible as the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God.
Creedal - We affirm the teaching of the ancient ecumenical Christian creeds.
Confessional - We confess The Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, the 16th Century Reformed confession of the Church of England.
Liturgical - We worship in a historical manner that exalts the majesty of God in Word and Sacrament, utilizing the 1662 Book of Common Prayer as our liturgical guide.
Missional - We are a church plant with a mission to plant churches as we carry out the Great Commission (Mt. 28:16-20) in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Communal - We are a member congregation of a larger body of believers known as the Anglican Church in North America. We are in communion with over 100,000 Christians in North America and over 80 million Anglicans throughout the world. Together we are unified through the Word, common prayer, and the Sacraments.